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paläon, Research- and Expierencecenter Schöningen Speers

It is a worldwide sensation. Since the discovery of the Schöningen Spears the history of mankind is being rewritten. Based on the findings from the worldwide unique archaeological complex around the 300,000 year old spears, we have a better understanding today of how our predecessors of Homo heidelbergensis lived. They open a window into the Palaeolithic Age and answer the significant question: "Where do we come from?" The Schöningen Spears are among the ten most important palaeolithic findings of humankind. The paläon reflects the surroundings in its outer skin. Welcome to the paläon the most fascinating archaeological experience centre of the world! Experience exciting stories all around the worldwide sensation of the Schöningen Spears approximately 300,000 years old and thus the oldest preserved hunting weapons of mankind. Discover the prehistoric man in you! An impressive exhibition, a journey through time, a research centre in paläon, history is an experience. The vibrant exhibition opens an exciting look about 300,000 years back into the past. Worldwide unique, The original Schöningen Spears can only be seen in the paläon nearby their archaeological site.

Paläon 1
38364 Schöningen
+49 5352 969140

Tue - Sun: 10:00 - 18:00 1st januar: 12:00 - 18:00